GP Consultation

Right to GP Appointments

Southport’s local ‘Healthwatch’ has found that the number one issue for many of us is anxiety about getting GP appointments. 66% of us are unhappy with current arrangements. It’s getting ever more difficult to see your family doctor with phone calls and e-mails replacing the traditional face to face consultation

Alternatives like e-consultations have not been very effective locally and no-one expects the situation to get better by itself. This can only impact on the early diagnosis of serious disease and the management of chronic conditions.

Part of the problem is due to an acute shortage of family doctors.There has been complete lack of workforce planning by government. Britain has been training far fewer doctors than other developed countries.

The struggle to have that confidential chat rather than a quick call is why the Liberal Democrats are arguing for patients in England to have a right to a face to face appointment within a week and in urgent cases within 24 hours. “This does not solve the doctor shortage,” says Cambridge Ward councillor, Leo Evans , “ but unless patients are given reasonable rights, access will get worse. It will make the government wake up to the crisis and train more doctors.”



Lib Dems Plan for Safer Roads

All over the borough local Liberal Democrats take road safety very seriously. There have been fatalities on Southport's roads which is why it is important to spot danger before serious incidents occur.

Demanding better regulation of Water Companies

The system for preventing raw sewage and other pollution is broken. Explained here by Cllr.Gareth Lloyd-Johnson.